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Yep, It’s
hot outside. Hotter than your grandmother’s oven baking buttermilk biscuits!
But, it’s a great time of the year to crank up the AC in your truck, grab an
ice chest full of your favorite beverages, and head out to your property to do
some summer cleaning.You don’t
have anything better to do. Football season is still a couple [...]
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First published at by Norman Latona, a fisheries biologist and partner with Southeastern Pond Management, a private lake and pond service company.
I recently read an article in a local newspaper, detailing the fortunes of two fishing buddies in California. On separate outings, the anglers boated lunker largemouth bass tipping the scales in the 20-pound [...]
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Prep Prep Prep!
Nothing beats good ol’ preparation. This will make the whole fishing trip a lot more enjoyable and comfortable for everyone! Make sure to dress for the weather and pack any extras you might need later (sunscreens, hats, jackets, etc.) Also make sure that your bait and tackle is organized and ready to go. [...]
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By using a feeding program, every fish in your lake or pond benefits. Bluegill and other fish grow bigger for largemouth bass to feed on as well as get supplemental food from the feeder. By utilizing Texas Hunter Product’s automatic directional fish feeder, you add a consistent addition to your lake or pond’s food chain. [...]
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Bob Lusk, The Pond BossThirty
years ago, if someone wanted a pond on the farm, they simply called the local
earthmover. He came out, pushed up some dirt as he dug a hole, they did a rain
dance and…presto-chango…a pond. It ain’t like that anymore, folks.Today,
ponds are planned, thought about and designed. Everything from building the dam
to designing [...]
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by Bob Lusk, Pond Boss MagazineOver
decades of trying to figure out how ponds work, it’s become distinctly apparent
that every pond is different, and each has its own quirks. Some seem to work in
harmony with themselves and their owners, while others blow up and act like a
rebellious teenager—and we become frustrated parents. A pond in a [...]
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