Developing big deer requires consistent efforts throughout the year including the spring and summer months. Whitetail deer are searching for the necessary food needed to stay healthy year-round. Texas Hunter Protein Feeders are a great way to supplement your deer’s diet because they provide a steady stream of nutritious feed to improve the overall health [...]
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April 9, 2020
WASHINGTON - Continuing the Trump
Administration’s significant efforts to increase recreational
access on public lands, U.S.
Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt announced today a historic
proposal for new and expanded hunting and fishing opportunities across more
than 2.3 million acres at 97 national wildlife refuges and 9 national fish
hatcheries. This proposed rule is the single [...]
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By Mark Melotik and our friends at
Outdoor Life Magazine
What’s better than being in the presence of a strutting spring tom as it booms out a ground-shaking gobble? Sharing that incredible experience with an enthralled, wide-eyed youngster, huddled inches away from you in a cozy ground blind. Even an IMAX theatre movie can’t compete with a [...]
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Proven Benefits, Basic Tips for Hunting Shed Antlers
The gently flowing creek was as cold as it was clear. I'll never forget setting my eyes on that beautiful 3-point whitetail shed resting on the smooth gravel bar. I was touching something no human hand has ever touched before. I was six years old and my buddy [...]
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Shower with a scent-free soap before every hunting trip and
keep your hunting clothes sealed in a plastic container or bag with leaves, dirt,
and other ground debris from around your hunting area. Doing so allows your
hunting clothing to take on the naturally-occurring scents that permeate your
hunting location.
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Hunting is a sport that
takes great skill and a hobby that everyone should experience at least once in
their life. Here are some tips to help beginning hunters get started and stay
safe in the woods.
Safety is
priority #1
Make sure someone
knows where you are going to be hunting and when you’ll be checking-in with
them. Seek out a [...]
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by Joe Doggett
While you are huddled in the deer stand and growing old waiting for light, take a moment to ensure that your variable scope is turned to its lowest magnification. The resulting increase in the field of view will gather more light for enhancing an early target. And, keep in mind that any deer [...]
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For a deer hunter, hunting season is the very best time of
the year. We anxiously count off the months until we finally have the
opportunity to pursue the game we love.
Texas Hunter Products want your hunting experiences to be
the best they can possibly be, and this means getting you properly prepared to
Be sure to check out Part [...]
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Dove hunting with kids can be some of the best fun you’ll have to kickoff your hunting season. Youth dove hunts can also be a straight disaster, one that can turn from a fun day in the field to nothing but silence in the truck on the way home, if you aren’t careful.
Here’s the brutal [...]
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