YouTube's Rob Terkla with LunkersTV upgrading feeders on his ranch to Texas Hunter Products Feeders.
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It's no secret.
Protein-enriched deer feed can help the deer on your property become more robust and healthy; it can also ensure your deer herd stays healthful during the sparse winter months. If healthy, hearty antlers and large, fit bucks are on your wish list, then protein supplementation is a must. A protein-rich diet is also [...]
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Texas Hunter Products will be showcased during the Texas Trophy Hunters Association Hunters Extravaganzas this year in Houston, Fort Worth, and San Antonio.
Their new TrueTimber® Camo Hunting Blinds will be on display with an all-new 4' x 8' floorplan and their popular 5' x 7' model that's available with Rifle Windows or a Combination of Bow [...]
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Feeding deer protein is becoming very popular to help improve antler growth, fawn production and to keep your herd healthy when vegetation and other food sources are limited. During certain times of the year, the nutrition available from the deer’s natural habitat may not meet the deer’s needs. Introducing a quality protein feed that’s palatable [...]
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Venison Stew with Potatoes, Onions, and Carrots/span>
Makes: 10-15 Servings
8-10 lbs. Venison 2 Cans Tomatoes
2 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar 2 Cans Tomato Paste
Salt to taste 4 Medium Carrots,Sliced
Water 2 Medium Onions, Chopped
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce 3 [...]
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Will Great Nutrition Guarantee Trophy Bucks?
By Purina Animal Nutrition Expert Dr. Larry Varner, Deer
Nutritionist for Purina Animal Nutrition
If only it were that simple!
Great nutrition will give your deer the opportunity to maximize their genetic
potential for antler growth, but it is just one (albeit an important one) of
many factors that affect deer antler growth. Even [...]
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Available in three capacities: 300 lb. 400 lb. and 500 lb. with Low Profile Stand and Fill Design. Found to be 100% Varmint Proof in recent study by Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Premium Timer with 5-Year Limited Warranty. The Texas Hunter powerful high velocity air blower system projects feed up to 50-feet in one direction with a [...]
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"Just wanted to take a moment and let y'all know how happy I am with your products and services. You guys have hands down the most dependable feeders on the market, and your customer service is second to none. I've been using your feeders now since 2004 and couldn't as for a better product. Thanks [...]
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" 2017 was my first year with the 1200 lbs. Texas Hunter Protein Feeders. I bought three 1200 lbs. feeders from the local coop here in Kansas. Feeding protein year-round and having feeders that are easy to fill and handle are a big plus! Great product! "Brenden JantzGreensburg, Kansas
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