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Top 4 Scent Tips for Deer Hunters

Tip 1 – Collect Ground Debris from Your Hunting Site.

Gather-up some leaves, dirt and other ground debris from around your stand and hunting area in a large bag or plastic container and use this to store your hunting clothes prior to your trip. This technique will help reduce your scent when in the field by allowing your hunting clothing to take on the naturally occurring scents that permeate your hunting location. Shower with scent-free soap before every hunting trip. Wash your hunting clothes in a non-scented detergent each time you’re heading to the woods.

Tip 2 – Use Odor Eliminator, Twice.
Not only spray yourself down with odor eliminator prior to heading to your stand, but experienced hunters will take it with them for a second dose once they’re in their spot, with special attention to jackets, caps and hair.

Tip 3 – Estrous vs. Buck Scents.
Doe estrous isn’t the only way to attract big bucks. While estrous is a wonderful tool, it’s important to take advantage of a buck’s territorial instincts. In early October, for example, the scent of an estrous doe doesn’t make sense to a buck, but buck scent is always worth testing.

Tip 4 – Drag Rags.
When bucks are at the peak of the rut, try a drag rag soaked in doe estrous. This is often a great way to lure bucks to follow the trail, right to your deer blind.

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