8 whole dove 2 cups orange juice 1 tablespoon honey ½ cup olive oil 1 tbsp. smoked paprika 2 minced garlic cloves 2 tbsp. chopped fresh thyme leaves Salt and Pepper
In a shallow dish, whisk the orange juice, honey, olive oil, garlic, thyme and smoked paprika. Divide the marinade between two large zipper-top bags and put four doves in each bag. Allow doves to marinate for 1 hour.
Once marinated, they’re ready to cook. Preheat gas grill on medium-high.
Remove doves from the marinade and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer remaining marinade in to a small bowl.
Place the doves, breast-side up over direct heat and grill. Baste periodically with remaining marinade. Turn doves frequently moving them around to prevent charring, for about 6 minutes. Flip the doves and cook for another 5-6 minutes on the other side. Cook, just until the drumstick moves easily. Don’t overcook them, the dove should be just cooked through. Enjoy!
Do you want your bucks to have bigger antlers this year? Before you treat your deer, you need to understand the basics of what antlers are and how antlers form over time.
Antlers are pieces of bone that grow out of the pedicles of a deer. Nutrition, age and genetics all play a role in how [...]
Professional anglers work diligently to locate where the fish are. That’s their primary task. Next, they try to determine what the fish might be inclined to eat at that specific time. Afterward, they attempt to entice enough fish to take their bait and catch a full limit, ideally including at least one large fish, before heading to the weigh-in station to compete for the prize money.
Training a puppy to become an effective bird dog, particularly for retrieving game birds like ducks, pheasant and quail, is a meticulous process that requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of canine behavior. Here are the best practices to guide you through this rewarding journey.